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Golden Hour Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Shorter days mean less time to wait before stunning sunsets paint the horizon with amber hues like the Golden Hour bouquet. Better yet, picture having the happy sunflowers and blooming orange spray roses under the glow of autumn dusk. These flowers may even inspire you to wake up early for the dawn golden hour!

**Please Note: The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible, and we may sometimes need to use a different vase.

**The Premium Bouquet is about 15"H x 20"W.
**Designed by florists, ready to display.
**For long–lasting blooms, add water daily.

Golden Hour Bouquet

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