Our Garden Pathway bouquet will delight with its fresh-from-the meadow design. Hand-gathered with vibrant, fragrant blooms and lush greenery for a rich contrast of color, it’s a summertime standout that deserves to be put on display.
88All-around arrangement with sunflowers, hot pink roses, pink Stargazer lilies and larkspur, blue delphinium, orange Gerbera daisies and purple statice; accented with assorted greenery
**Artistically designed in a clear glass cylinder vase; measures 8"H
**Large arrangement measures approximately 27"H x 25"L
**Medium arrangement measures approximately 25"H x 24"L
**Small arrangement measures approximately 24"H x 23"L
**Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
**Lilies may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty in 2-3 days
**Sunflowers may arrive with light or dark centers